What Happens When We Engage with Futures Thinking?
Anticipation is not prediction—it's the art of sensing, adapting, and shaping possibility. But have we forgotten how to use it? Futures Thinking is not a luxury; it’s a societal necessity.
Anticipation is not prediction—it's the art of sensing, adapting, and shaping possibility. But have we forgotten how to use it? Futures Thinking is not a luxury; it’s a societal necessity.
The problem with traditional strategy is not just its rigidity—it’s its assumption about time. The idea that we can move from ‘now’ to ‘next’ as though history were a straight road. The Banyan approach rejects this.
December is full of contradictions—the year closes, yet the world feels impossibly full. Lights shine on long nights, reminders that even darkness holds a spark of hope. Christmas invites us to reflect on the tangle of past, present, and future, offering pathways not to predict but to participate.