The Cyclops' Gaze

The Cyclops, one eye fixed on the world,
sees only what lies before it.
Depth dissolves into certainty,
a singular truth, unbroken but incomplete.
Complexity shimmers beyond its gaze,
an intricate weave of ripples and roots,
where nothing stands alone,
where every part speaks to another.
Hierarchies cling to their altars,
chanting the old hymn:
"Time is money,
clarity comes from control."
But what is control in a world that flows?
Time is neither a line nor a currency;
it is an ocean, vast and moving,
asking for patience, for presence,
for the courage to see with more than one eye.
What the Cyclops calls chaos,
we call the whole.
And maybe, just maybe,
we throw the first stone
to shatter the illusion
that one gaze is enough.
I am a big believer in poetry as a means to embrace the complexities of our in-between-worlds world. So I decided to share my writings, that put into metaphoric language, what my articles try to do in formalized language. May you enjoy it.
I am Eva Tomas Casado, futurist by nature, engineer by training, and philosopher by heart.
With Simple Thinking, I am exploring the intersections of these three realms to deduct, induce, exapt, and build new ways of acting on present complexities and futures.