The world does not need futurists.

The world does not need futurists.

The world needs futures.

In a world teeming with complexities and uncertainties, the profound words of Spanish poet Suso Sudón resonate with an unexpected clarity:

"El mundo ni siquiera necesita poetas, el mundo necesita poesía."

(The world doesn't even need poets; the world needs poetry.)

This statement, while simple, encapsulates a profound truth about the essence of what drives humanity forward—not just the creators but the creations that stir our souls, provoke thought, and inspire change.

Applying this philosophy to the realm of futurism, we arrive at a compelling insight: The world does not merely want or need futurists; the world needs futures.

Futures that are not just envisioned by the few but are co-created by the many. Futures that embody not only the forecasts of emerging trends and technologies but also the poetry of human aspirations, values, and dreams.

Why is this distinction important?

  1. Futures over Futurists: While futurists play a crucial role in charting the course towards possible horizons, it's the futures themselves—the ideas, the visions, the potential pathways—that ignite the collective imagination. They serve as the canvas upon which society paints its hopes, fears, and ambitions.
  2. The Poetry of Futures: Just as poetry transcends mere words to evoke deeper meanings and emotions, futures practices transcend predictions to evoke an infinite amount of possibilities that challenge, inspire, and transform. They are narratives that compel us to consider not just what the future holds, but what holds the future—our actions, decisions, and shared humanity.
  3. Co-creation and Participation: Embracing futures as a form of poetry invites a more inclusive approach to futurism. It calls for the democratization of futures thinking, where diverse voices and perspectives come together to co-create visions of what could be. It's in this shared space of imagination that the true power of futures unfolds, fostering a sense of agency and responsibility towards the world we wish to inhabit.

As we navigate the present and look to the horizon, let us remember: the future, much like poetry, thrives not in the solitary confines of individual minds but in the collective heart of humanity. It's not enough to forecast the future; we must feel it, shape it, and live it. The world needs futures—plural, diverse, and rich with the potential to reimagine what it means to be human in the ever-evolving tapestry of existence.In embracing this philosophical perspective, we find not just a methodology for anticipating what comes next but a manifesto for creating a world where every tomorrow is a verse in the ongoing poem of humanity.

The world doesn't even need futurists, the world needs futures.


I am Eva Tomas Casado, futurist by nature, engineer by training, and philosopher by heart. With Simple Thinking I am exploring the intersections of these three realms to deduct and induce new ways of acting on futures. Join me!