Where Futures Wait

We carry the yet-to-come
in the marrow of our being,
woven deep, unseen,
a pulse older than time.
The world is not a machine.
It breathes, it bends, it breaks.
We thought we could tame it,
chart its paths, name its stars.
But the stars are wild,
their light a story we cannot cage.
Instead, we learn to listen,
to the hum of the unseen,
to the turning of what might be.
There is no control, only courage,
to step into the shifting,
to stand in the in-between,
to make sense where sense cannot be.
We are not lost.
We are becoming.
I am a big believer in poetry as a means to embrace the complexities of our in-between-worlds world. So I decided to share my writings, that put into metaphoric language, what my articles try to do in formalized language. May you enjoy it.
I am Eva Tomas Casado, futurist by nature, engineer by training, and philosopher by heart.
With Simple Thinking, I am exploring the intersections of these three realms to deduct, induce, exapt, and build new ways of acting on present complexities and futures.
My approach Generative Strategy, is a framework I developed to foster alignment and resilience in complex environments.
Let’s connect! Whether for your life, environment, organization, or company, I’d love to explore how these ideas can be applied. Reach out, and let’s start the conversation.